The word just shows up once in Sūrah Ghāfir. When Ibn al-Jazarī clarifies, one ought not to follow the second or rearward right now with a level tā'. Ibn al-Jazarī alludes as far as possible of the past section of Sūrah Ghāfir, where this word is found. The word when it shows up with is composed with a level tā' This is just one spot in the Qur'ān, Sūrah al-Qasas. Any place else it appears it will be composed with a round tā', like In Sūrah al-Furqān and Sūrah al-Sajdah Muqaddimah al jazariyyah By constraining it to Sūrah al-Wāqi˘ah, any place else it takes after in the Qur'ān, it will be composed with a round tā', as in Sūrah al-Furqān and Sūrah al-Shu˘ārā.' Ibn al-Jazarī has not indicated where it shows up since it shows up just once in the Qur'ān, in Sūrah al-Rūm. Some have condemned Ibn al jazariyyah for not characterizing which he is alluding to since it also comes in Sūrah al-Baqarah and some other time in Sūrah Hūd. Be that as it ma...