The Quran is Islam's religious book, and it is divided into 114 chapters, which are described surahs. Each surah is made up of many verses, named ayahs. Through prayer, entire surahs are read from thought to grow closer to Allah. Inline to memorize surah as a combination, you'll want to start by reading the individual ayahs. Begin by getting a copy of the Qur’an. If you succeed in memorizing for fewer than 20 minutes, you're apparently not going to learn the passage later on. If you remember for more than 30 minutes, you can lose track of all the information—20 minutes is the perfect length for a memorization session. You can memorize Quran single ayah in one 20-minute session. Study a new ayah each day to build-up to a full surah misinterpretation of the Quran. If you live with others, think enlisting a friend or a family portion to memorize passages with you. This way, the two of you can keep several other answerable when you're starting. Choose an ayah at the start ...