Prior to beginning an investigation of the Quran, it is fundamental to have some essential foundation in the confidence of Islam. This will give you a base from which to begin the recitation of the Quran, and some comprehension of the jargon and message of the Quran. Some Qur'anic parts have been dated as a long way behind as the eighth, and likely even the seventh century. The most established surviving duplicate of the full content is from the ninth century. Albeit beginning variations of the Quran reading are known to have existed, Muslims accept that the content we have today was built up soon after the passing of the Prophet by the Caliph Uthman (Usman Razi Allah Anhu). All the parts aside from one beginning with the sentence Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, 'for the sake of Allah the most benevolent and the kindest.' This is the idea with which Muslims should begin everything, Memorize Quran with Tajweed . There are 603 Pages in the Holy Quran. It's not Sure that sol...